Multi-Hand Video Blackjack allows players to play 1, 3, or 5 hands of Blackjack exactly the same way they would play at a traditional casino. The difference lies in the number of hands that the Dealer has. Compare the results of each Player hand against 3, 5, 10, or 50 independently drawn Dealer hands. This provides as few as 3 or as many as 250 game results from each game round.
Select the number of DEALER hands
Select the number of PLAYER hands
Select the bet amount per game result
The number of game results equals DEALER hands x PLAYER hands (Example: 5 Dealer hands and 3 Player hands @ $1.00 per result equals $15.00 per game round)
One shoe of cards is provided for each Dealer hand selected
All player cards and the dealer's up-card are commonly drawn
All Dealer's hole cards are uniquely drawn
All cards required to complete each Dealer hand are uniquely drawn
This allows Players to use the same strategy in multi-hand video blackjack as they would in a traditional Blackjack game